Mr. Beqiri is Managing Partner
Mr. Beqiri is Certified Auditor by SCAAK, and Certified Statutory Auditor by KKRF.
Mr. Beqiri holds a Diploma from Prishtina University with a concentration in Finance and Banking.
Mr. Beqiri is member on ICMA – Institute Certificate Management Accountant – Australia
Mr. Beqiri is a member on BCC – Business Consultants Council, BCC is a member on ICMC- International Council of Management Consulting Institute.
Prior to joining the Nexia Kosova, for over 2 years Mr. Beqiri has been working for IPKO Telecommunication LLC on position of CFO, for over 3 years Mr. Beqiri has been working with Deloitte Kosova in position of Senior Manager in Audit Department, furthermore for over 9 years, Mr. Beqiri has been auditing and advising financial institution, commercial, and public sector entities in Kosovo. He has done so initially through Ernst & Young and subsequently through KPMG for more than 7 years. In addition, Mr. Beqiri has provided general management and leadership services as well as training services in the areas of Audit, IFRS, Risk Management, Corporate Governance, Accounting, Business restructure and reorganization, etc.